We provide cutting edge solutions, training, and aerodynamics instruments.
If you want to produce better aerodynamic solutions, keep reading.
We focus exclusively on the hard est Aerodynamic problems there are, and conquer them!
If you have an impossible Aerodynamics problem, and need help solving it, send us an email and we’d love to tackle it for you! Use the contact form below.
We consult on automotive aerodynamics including racing aerodynamics, production car aerodynamics, and experimental vehicle aerodynamics.
We have extensive experience in aircraft aerodynamics including, fixed wing, rotary wings, drones, personal aircraft, military aircraft, and commerical airplanes.
Do you want to perform higher quality aerodynamics research and be number 1 in your field? Use our instruments to get you there!
We invent and manufacture cutting-edge Aerodynamic instruments to make your research more accurate and more illuminating.
We manufacture:
- The Atmosphere Hawk
- Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) instrumentation
- Rayleigh Scatter Flow Visualization packages
- Fluorescent Oil Film Flow Visualization packages
- 3-axis, 2-axis, and 1-axis traverses
Find Out More About Our Aerodynamic Instruments
Want to improve your aerodynamic knowledge, skills, and research aptitude? We provide training sessions for you and your Aerodynamicists, to improve their skills.
The better your aerodynamicists are, the better the research they produce. There is always a better way to research, and there is always wastage to cut out. Our trainings help them do exactly that.
We teach Aerodynamic theory (especially complex theory), experimental methodology, numerical methodology, and research campaign designing.
We have over a decade of in-depth experience developing the below methods for leading businesses in the world - using them for research and training other Aerodynamicists, and building them for engineers to use with a “turn-key” approach:
Experimental Methods:
- Particle Image Velocimetry (Non-Intrusive)
- Laser Doppler Anemometry (Non-Intrusive)
- Hotwire (Constant Temperature Anemometry) (Intrusive)
- Multi-holed Pressure Probes (Intrusive)
- Force Measurements (Non-Intrusive)
- Surface Pressure Tappings (Non-Intrusive)
- Oil Film Flow Visualization (Sometimes Intrusive)
- Smoke Flow Visualization (Non-Intrusive)
- Tuft Flow Visualization (Intrusive)
- Sound Measurement (Non-Intrusive)
- Wind Tunnel Design And Build
Find Out More About Our Experimental Methods Experience
Numerical Methods:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Panel Methods
- Lifting-Line Theory
Find Out More About Our Numerical Methods Experience
Aerodynamics doesn’t need to be hard, and with the right expertise, training, and instruments, it can be easy for you too!
Contact us to see how we can help you!